Bacterial Vaginosis Remedy - 3 Amazing Natural Cures For Treating Bacterial Vaginosis

Bacterial vaginosis is an infection which affects the vaginal region when its natural environment is disturbed by certain kinds of harmful bacteria. The main cause of this infection still remains unknown, but according to medical professionals the infection is as a result of overgrowth of harmful bacteria and the reduction of beneficial bacteria in the vagina area. The harmful bacteria multiply rapidly, for instance due to poor hygiene and outnumbers the beneficial bacteria in the vagina, and subsequently this triggers the infection.

When you suffer from this condition, you are likely to experience some symptoms which include excessive whitish grey vaginal discharge, foul fishy odor and vaginal itching. Though, the exact causes remain unknown, certain factors may increase the risk of developing this condition, and these include; smoking, excessive douching, having multiple sexual partners, using vaginal spray, wearing thongs, back to front wiping after bowel movement and use of IUD as birth control.

For treatments of this infection, antibiotics are often prescribed by doctors but this does not always provide the desired results for everybody. Antibiotics can only provide temporary relief and in most cases the disease always reappears over time.

In order to treat this condition and get a permanent relief, finding natural remedy is always the best option because natural cures will treat the root cause and prevent it from appearing again. In addition, natural cures are often readily available, inexpensive and do not cause any side effect.

There are various natural cures for treating this condition of which the following three are very effective and should be considered.

1). Natural Yoghurt

Natural yoghurt contains beneficial bacteria present in healthy vagina. It can be used in two ways to treat bacteria vaginosis. You can either consume 2-3 cups orally everyday or you can apply it directly to your vagina. For applying it on the vagina, soak a tampon in natural yoghurt and insert directly inside the vagina.

2). Apple Cider Vinegar

To use apple cider vinegar in treating your bacterial vaginosis, pour one or two cups in warm bath water and soak yourself in the water for about fifteen minutes. You can also pat a mixture of apple cider vinegar on to the vagina and rinse with water.

3). Garlic

Garlic can also be used to treat your bacterial vaginosis in two ways, either for oral consumption or direct vagina application. Eat a piece of garlic or take garlic capsules which are readily available in most health food stores. For direct vaginal application, peel a garlic glove or pound a piece of garlic, wrap it in gauze and insert it directly into the vagina.

The above mentioned products are three amazing natural cures for treating bacterial vaginosis. But if you are a chronic sufferer and looking for a Bacterial Vaginosis Remedy which includes step by step procedures to permanently cure your embarrassing vaginal discharge and odor within few days, then visit Bacterial Vaginosis Remedy

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