Untreated Bacterial Vaginosis - Get Treatment Now Before It Is Too Late

Bacterial vaginosis is an infection of the vagina area which occurs when the natural pH balance is disturbed as a result of overgrowth of bad bacteria present in the vagina. A normal healthy vagina contains both good and bad bacteria which co-exist to maintain a natural vagina pH balance. But when the bad bacteria outnumbers the good ones due to various reasons, notably poor hygiene, unhealthy eating habits and stress, this can upset the natural vagina pH balance and subsequently cause bacterial vaginosis to occur.

In many women, the exact cause of this disease is unknown. However, certain risk factors may increase the possibility of contacting this disease, and these include excessive vaginal douching to remove vagina odor, constant washing with scented soap, having multiple sexual partners, engaging in unprotected sex and using vagina spray.

Symptoms of this condition vary in every woman depending on the type of risk factors, but the common symptoms include excessive vaginal discharge accompanied by foul fish odor, vaginal itching, burning, swollen vagina and painful urination.

If you are diagnosed or at risk of developing this disease, you need to consult your doctor for treatments. Treatment varies from one individual to another depending on the severity of the disease. But in general, antibiotics are usually prescribed by doctors for treating this infection. Conventional treatments using antibiotics can cure this infection in some women while others may experience side effects. Generally, antibiotics can only provide temporary relief, and in most cases the disease always reappears. Therefore, it is very important to seek for appropriate treatment in order to avoid complications, because if not properly treated or left untreated it can develop into more serious health problems.

The followings are the likely dangers of untreated bacterial vaginosis;

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

Untreated bacterial vaginosis can cause pelvic inflammatory disease. This can give rise to chronic pelvic pain as well as inability in getting pregnant. In severe cases, this can lead to infertility.

Urinary Tract Infection

If left untreated, it is a common risk factor for urinary tract infection. This can cause a woman to contract and transmit sexually transmitted diseases.

Infertility and Pregnancy Complications

Untreated bacterial vaginosis can lead to complications in pregnancies. This is because it can affect the reproductive system and interfere with ovulation, which can result in abnormal menstrual cycle, thereby leading to infertility.

Miscarriage or Premature Birth

Women with untreated bacterial vaginosis during pregnancy are more likely to experience miscarriage or premature birth compare to healthy women without this disease.

To avoid the hidden dangers of untreated bacterial vaginosis, you should seek for proper treatments as soon as you are diagnosed. You can start your treatments by making use of natural Bacterial Vaginosis Remedy. To learn more about various natural remedies which can help you to cure this condition permanently, visit Best Bacterial Vaginosis Remedy

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