Bacterial Vaginosis Remedy - 6 Proven Home Remedies For Treating Bacterial Vaginosis

Bacteria vaginosis occurs when the normal vagina ph balance is disturbed as a result of overgrowth of bad bacteria that dwell in the vagina. A normal healthy vagina contains both good and bad bacteria in equal proportion. But when the bad bacteria outnumbers the good bacteria possibly due to poor hygiene and unhealthy eating habits, then this imbalance triggers the infection to occur.

The main cause of this imbalance still remains unknown, but certain factors or actions may increase the possibly of contacting the disease. These factors include, excessive vagina douching, engaging in unprotected sex, having multiple sexual partners, wearing thongs, using vagina sprays and use of inter-uterine device as contraceptives.

This infection may not necessarily produce any symptoms in most women, but the common symptoms include excessive greyish-white vagina discharge, unpleasant fishy odor, vagina itching, swollen vagina and in rare cases, difficult or painful urination.

For treating this infection, the use of bacterial vaginosis home remedies has attracted a lot of attention. This is because home remedy methods are very effective, easy to use, the materials are readily available in most herbal and drug stores and they do not cause any side effects as oppose to conventional treatments of using antibiotics.

The following home remedies are effective and can help you to get rid of bacterial vaginosis and the associated symptoms

1). Natural Yoghurt

Natural yoghurt contains the same good bacteria that are present in a normal healthy vagina. For treating this infection, natural yoghurt can either be consumed orally or apply directly to the vagina. You can take 2-3 cups of natural yoghurt daily. What it does is to supplement your system with the good bacteria and this will help you to get rid of this disease. For direct application to the vagina, you can soak a tampon in natural yoghurt and insert it directly into the vagina.

2). Garlic

Garlic is another proven home remedy for treating bacterial vaginosis. It can also be consumed orally or for direct vagina application. You can buy garlic capsules in herbal stores and take them as appropriate. To apply it to your vagina, peel a garlic glove and wrap it in gauze. Then insert it into your vagina for about thirty minutes.

3). Cranberry Juice

Cranberry juice contains strong acid that can suppress the growth of bad bacteria. Drink fresh cranberry juice daily and this will help to eliminate the infection.

4). Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil has anti fungal properties which are very effective for keeping the vagina healthy. Pour a few drop of tea tree oil into a cup of warm water and mix them together. Then use the mixture to wash your vagina. This will help you to get rid of the vagina discharge odor.

5). Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is another proven home remedy for treating bacterial vaginosis. Pour one or two cups in lukewarm water and soak yourself in the water for about fifteen to twenty minutes. This will remove bacteria toxins that are present in the vagina. You can also pat a mixture of apple cider vinegar on to the vagina and rinse with water.

6). Sage Aerial Extract

Put small pieces of sage in a cup of water and boil the mixture for about fifteen minutes. Drink this water three times in a day. This will help to reduce the irritation, burning and vaginal discharge. Sage extract is a very effective remedy and does not have any side effect.

The above mentioned home remedies are very effective and can help you to eliminate your bacterial vaginosis. To learn more about other tips to cure this disease permanently within a few days, visit Bacterial Vaginosis Remedy

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