Bacterial Vaginosis Discharge - Simple Healthy Tips To Get Rid of Smelly Vagina Odor

Bacterial vaginosis discharge is a major problem affecting many women, and is one of the common symptoms of bacterial vaginosis. Bacterial vaginosis is an infection which affects the vagina area when its natural environment is disturbed due to the overgrowth of bad bacteria that dwells in the vagina. A normal healthy vagina contains both good and bad bacteria. The good bacteria protect the vagina and the entire reproductive system against any infection. But when the bad bacteria multiply rapidly due to various reasons, notably poor hygiene and unhealthy eating habits, they then outnumber and destroy the good bacteria, and this triggers the infection to occur.

The main cause of this imbalance between the good and bad bacteria still remains unknown, but certain factors may increase the risk of developing this infection, and these include; smoking, excessive vagina douching, having multiple sexual partners, engaging in unprotected sex, wearing thong, using vaginal spray and use of inter-uterine devices for birth control.

Bacterial vaginosis discharge is usually greyish white accompanied by a strong offensive odor. This can cause depression, embarrassment and humiliation, thereby affecting your personal, social and professional lifestyle. But you do not have to be depressed as a result of this condition because it can be effectively controlled and eliminated.

The following tips can help you to get rid of the discharge and the unpleasant fishy odor.

Personal Hygiene

Wash your vagina daily with warm water and unscented soap. Avoid using scented soap or body wash. Also, stop excessive douching to eliminate vagina odor. This approach can disturb the normal vagina pH thereby making you susceptible to vagina infection. Instead, you can use feminine wipes which are readily available in most retail stores. Also, do not wipe your private part from back to front after bowel movement. This can cause the bacteria in the faeces to enter your vagina. Instead, wipe your private part from front to back. In addition, always trim or shave your pubic hair, as they tend to harbour germs and smell if they are too bushy.

Healthy Diet

You should always eat healthy diet. Fruits and vegetables are high in fibers as well as vitamins and minerals, so eat them regularly. Similarly, fruits such as apples and cranberry contain antioxidants which can help to eliminate vagina odor. You must also avoid consumption of food with high glucose-sugar contents, as they are sources of nutrients for bad bacteria in the vagina. Try to avoid or reduce intake of alcohol and cigarette. Ensure that you drink plenty of water. Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water everyday. Water will flush out toxins from your body and also help in the digestion of extra sugar in the system.

Wear Clean and Loose Fitting Clothes

Always wear undergarments that are clean and loose. Avoid wearing tight garments and fabrics made of synthetic. This may block the flow of air to the vagina area thereby making your vagina damp and moist. Instead wear loose cotton underwear and pants to facilitate air movement. You must also remember to change your underwear everyday.

Protected Sex

Ensure that your partner uses condom whenever you engage in sexual intercourse. This is very important especially with a new partner. This will prevent you from contacting vaginal infection.

To get rid of your bacterial vaginal discharge, the above mentioned tips are vital. But if you are feeling depressed and embarrassed about your vaginal odor, you can combine those tips with a Bacterial Vaginosis Remedy to give you the desired result within few days. For more information, visit Bacterial Vaginosis Treatment

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