Can Men Acquire Bacterial Vaginosis? What You Need To Know

Bacterial vaginosis is a condition which affects many women as a result of overgrowth of bad bacterial that lives in the vagina region. A normal healthy vagina contains two types of bacteria; good and bad bacteria which co-exist to maintain a natural vagina pH balance. Bacterial vaginosis normally occurs when the bad bacteria rapidly multiply and destroy the good bacteria, thereby upsetting the natural vagina pH balance.

The exact cause of this imbalance is still unknown, but some of the risk factors through which a woman can contact this disease is by having multiple sexual partners and by engaging in unprotected sex, especially with a new partner.

If this is so, then is the disease contagious? And also can a man acquire this infection?

According to medical experts, bacterial vaginosis has not been confirmed to be a sexually transmitted disease. Therefore, it cannot be contacted through sexual activities between a female and a male partner. However, if you are suffering from this infection, it is very important that you and your partner protect each other during sex by using a condom. On the other hand, the disease can only be contagious if there is a sexual relationship between two women.

Since bacterial vaginosis is an infection of the vagina, the bacteria responsible for this infection cannot survive in the male sexual organ, therefore it is highly unlikely for a man to acquire this disease. The only condition is that if you are already infected with this disease and then engage in unprotected sexual intercourse with your male partner, the bacterial that are responsible for this condition can enter into your partner's sexual organ and remain dormant for a long time. Since they cannot thrive in a male's sexual organ, they can then be passed onto you again if you have unprotected sexual intercourse with him. Perhaps, this could be one of the reasons why most women continue to have recurrent bacteria vaginosis.

Therefore, in order to have peace of mind and avoid the issue of whether your partner can be infected, it is essential that your male partner use a condom whenever you are having sexual intercourse until you get rid of your this infection.

Many women are often embarrassed to discuss this issue with their partner, but it is advisable to let your partner know about your condition and always insist that he wears a condom in order to clear your mind and rule out the possibility of you being re-infected.

To get rid of your bacterial vaginosis, there is a natural Bacterial Vaginosis Remedy which can help you to cure this infection permanently within 3 days. To learn more about this, visit Bacterial Vaginosis Treatment

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