Apple Cider Vinegar For Bacterial Vaginosis

Many women who experience repeated attacks of bacterial vaginosis have come to realize that antibiotics and other over the counter treatments do not cure this condition permanently. Antibiotics and over the counter treatments can only provide temporary relief but they do not treat the root cause of the disease. As a result of this, increasing numbers of women are now focusing their attention on natural treatments to cure this condition. Natural treatments for bacterial vaginosis have gained popularity because they are easy to use, effective, readily available at home and they do not cause any side effects. One of the common natural home treatments is apple cider vinegar.

Apple cider vinegar contains natural acid which when applied to the vagina is conducive for beneficial bacterial in the vagina to thrive. Under normal circumstances, a healthy vagina is slightly acidic with pH value 3.8-4.5, and this provides a natural environment for both beneficial and harmful bacterial to co-exist. But when the natural environment of the vagina is disturbed and the pH value rises above 4.5 and becomes alkaline, this will enable the bad bacteria to grow rapidly and destroy the good ones. It is this imbalance of naturally occurring bacteria in the vagina that causes bacterial vaginosis. Common symptoms of this disease include excessive vaginal discharge accompanied by unpleasant fishy smell, which becomes more noticeable after sexual intercourse, vaginal itching, burning and abdominal pain.

In order to treat this infection, the best approach is to reduce the alkalinity and increase the acidic level of the vagina. This is where apple cider vinegar comes into play. Apple cider vinegar contains natural acid which has the potential to reduce the alkaline level of the vagina and raise the pH level to a normal value when applied to the vagina in correct proportion.

To use apple cider vinegar for bacterial vaginosis, pour two or three cups into a warm bath water and then sit in the water for about twenty-five minutes. This will provide enough time for the mixture to help restore the pH of your vagina, and provide relief from itching and other associated symptoms of bacterial vaginosis. To achieve the desired result, you need to do this on a daily basis and stay away from actions that can triggers the reoccurrence of this condition.

Many women have obtained certain degree of relief from this condition by using apple cider vinegar. In general, apple cider vinegar really works and can help you to get rid of this infection without any kind of side effects.

If you want to permanently cure your bacterial vaginosis, there is a Bacterial Vaginosis Remedy to help you treat this condition once and for all. For helpful information about bacterial vaginosis visit Bacterial Vaginosis Treatment.

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Bacterial Vaginosis and Pregnancy - How To Avoid and Control Bacterial Vaginosis During Pregnancy

Bacterial vaginosis and pregnancy are two issues that together can actually cause some serious health concerns for the woman and the unborn baby. This is because the bad bacteria in the vagina which is responsible for this infection, may spread to the uterus through blood circulation and potentially harm the unborn baby. According to medical statistics, about 15-20 percent of pregnant women are likely to be infected with bacterial vaginosis.

Bacterial vaginosis is an infection that results from the overgrowth of bad bacteria in the vagina. A normal healthy vagina contains both good and bad bacteria, but when the bad or harmful bacteria rapidly multiply and outnumber the good or beneficial bacteria, then this imbalance triggers the infection to set in. A foul fishy odor and greyish white vaginal discharge are the most common symptoms of this disease. Other symptoms include vagina itching, swollen vagina and in rare cases painful or difficult urination.

Unfortunately, many of these symptoms are similar to symptoms of other infection of the reproductive system such as yeast infection or trichomoniasis as well as other infections which are common during pregnancy. As a result of this, bacterial vaginosis is often undetected or mistaken for other infection during pregnancy. Untreated bacterial vaginosis in a pregnant woman may result in premature delivery and low birth weight. Other problem that may be caused by the infection is entopic pregnancy if the womb or fallopian tubes have already been infected and damaged before conception.

In order to avoid bacteria vaginosis during pregnancy, the following steps are very important;

1). If you are at risk of developing this disease, you should consult a doctor and be tested when you are planning a pregnancy.

2). If you are already diagnosed with the infection, you should be regularly tested before getting pregnant.

3). Ensure that you are completed cured before getting pregnant.

The above mentioned tips will ensure early diagnosis before pregnancy and this will provide you with access to treatment as early as possible. If you are diagnosed with this infection, proper treatment should begin immediately and make sure that you are cured before you become pregnant.

The doctor can recommend various types of treatments depending on the age of woman, stage of pregnancy and severity of the infection. Usually, antibiotics are often prescribed to cure this infection, which may be oral or topical. It is very important that you take your medications as prescribed by your doctor.

In addition to medication, you can also engage the use of natural cures to control this disease during pregnancy. These natural cures are very simple to use, inexpensive and more importantly there are no risk of side effects to the mother and the fetus.

To learn more about how to avoid and control bacterial vaginosis during pregnancy, there is a Bacterial Vaginosis Remedy which provides step by step procedure on how to cure bacterial vaginosis. For more information on how to treat bacteria vaginosis permanently, you can check Bacterial Vaginosis Home Remedy

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Over The Counter Treatments For Bacterial Vaginosis - Do They Really Work?

Bacterial vaginosis is a common infection which affects many women. It normally occurs as a result of overgrowth of bad bacteria that live in the vagina region. A normal healthy vaginal contains two types of bacteria, the good and the bad. The good bacteria protect the vagina and the whole female reproductive system from any infection. At the same time, both the good and bad bacteria co-exist in equilibrium to maintain normal vagina pH balance. When the equilibrium is disturbed, probably due to poor hygiene or unhealthy eating habits, then the bad bacteria multiply rapidly and destroy the good ones, and this imbalance triggers the infection to occur.

The main cause of this imbalance is still unknown but certain factors may increase the risk of developing this disease. These include, excessive vagina douching, having multiple sexual partners, using vaginal spray, wearing thongs and engaging in unprotected sex. Common symptoms of this infection include excessive vaginal discharge, foul fish odor, vaginal itching, swollen vagina and painful or difficult urination.

For treating this condition, doctors normally prescribe antibiotics or other over the counter treatments. However, using these conventional treatments can only cure the symptoms temporarily and there are always the possibilities that the disease will reappear over time. What these conventional treatments are doing is to lower the bacterial count such that the symptoms are only suppressed but not completely cured. This is why you have to continue taking these antibiotics even after your symptoms might have disappeared.

The bacterial counts are lowered when you are taking antibiotics, but they are likely to return to their normal level as soon as you stop these medicines unless they are completely cured. Another reason why antibiotics and other over the counter medicines do not really work is because they kill off both the good and bad bacteria. This disturbs the normal vagina pH balance, and tends to make you susceptible to vagina infection. As a result of this, majority of women who take antibiotics will possibly have recurrent bacterial vaginosis within a few weeks.

Therefore, the best option to permanently get rid of this condition is to use natural cures which will restore the normal vagina pH balance. There are many bacterial vaginosis natural cures for treating this condition. They work best because they can cure this disease from the root cause once and for all, they are inexpensive and readily available in most herbal and food stores, and most importantly they do not cause any side effects which are associated with antibiotics and other over the counter treatments.

To get rid of your bacterial vaginosis within 3 days using a natural Bacterial Vaginosis Remedy which is much more effective than any over the counter treatment, then visit Bacterial Vaginosis Treatment. Here you will learn various techniques to give you quick relief and cure your bacterial vaginosis once and for all.

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Bacterial Vaginosis - Symptoms, Causes and Treatments

Bacterial vaginosis or Gardinerella Vaginitis as is commonly called is an infection due to the increased growth of certain kind of bacteria in the vagina region. This infection may not necessarily cause any symptoms, but it can lead to increased greyish- white discharge and embarrassing foul fishy odor. In certain cases, it can result in difficult or painful urination and can also lead to uterus and fallopian tube infection. Therefore, it is very important to seek for treatment as soon as you notice any of these signs.

So, what are the causes of bacterial vaginosis?

The exact cause of this condition is still unknown. One possible explanation is that this disease is as a result of overgrowth of certain types of harmful bacteria in the vagina, which disturbs the natural environment of other beneficial bacterial that dwells in the vagina. The consequences of this abnormal situation are the symptoms such as itching and burning in the vaginal region as well as the vaginal discharge and the fishy odor.

Though, the exact causes remain unknown, certain factors may increase the risk of developing this condition, and these include;

· Smoking

· Douching

· Having multiple sexual partners

· Wearing thongs

· Back to front wiping after bowel movement

· Use of IUD as birth control

It should be noted that this condition has been found to be more prevalent among women who engaged in sexual relationship with many partners, it has not be confirmed to be a sexually transmitted disease by medical professionals, and therefore cannot be contacted through sexual activities.

Bacterial Vaginosis Treatments

If you are at risk of developing bacterial vaginosis or diagnosed with this condition, you need to consult your doctor for appropriate treatments. Antibiotics are usually prescribed for the treatment of bacterial vaginosis. It is very important that you take your medications as prescribed by your doctor. Do not stop taking your medication without your doctor's advice.

Treatments using antibiotics can only cure the symptoms temporarily and there are always the possibilities that the disease will occur again with time. Therefore, it is advisable to treat the root cause of this condition permanently thereby preventing it from returning again.

There are many bacterial vaginosis natural cures which are very effective for treating this condition. They work best because they can cure this disease permanently, readily available in most drug and food stores, inexpensive and do not cause any side effects which are associated with using antibiotics.

To get rid of this condition permanently, there is a Bacterial Vaginosis Remedy which consists of natural treatments to cure this disease within a few days. Learn more about this remedy in order to cure your bacterial vaginosis once and for all.

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Bacterial Vaginosis Remedy - 3 Amazing Natural Cures For Treating Bacterial Vaginosis

Bacterial vaginosis is an infection which affects the vaginal region when its natural environment is disturbed by certain kinds of harmful bacteria. The main cause of this infection still remains unknown, but according to medical professionals the infection is as a result of overgrowth of harmful bacteria and the reduction of beneficial bacteria in the vagina area. The harmful bacteria multiply rapidly, for instance due to poor hygiene and outnumbers the beneficial bacteria in the vagina, and subsequently this triggers the infection.

When you suffer from this condition, you are likely to experience some symptoms which include excessive whitish grey vaginal discharge, foul fishy odor and vaginal itching. Though, the exact causes remain unknown, certain factors may increase the risk of developing this condition, and these include; smoking, excessive douching, having multiple sexual partners, using vaginal spray, wearing thongs, back to front wiping after bowel movement and use of IUD as birth control.

For treatments of this infection, antibiotics are often prescribed by doctors but this does not always provide the desired results for everybody. Antibiotics can only provide temporary relief and in most cases the disease always reappears over time.

In order to treat this condition and get a permanent relief, finding natural remedy is always the best option because natural cures will treat the root cause and prevent it from appearing again. In addition, natural cures are often readily available, inexpensive and do not cause any side effect.

There are various natural cures for treating this condition of which the following three are very effective and should be considered.

1). Natural Yoghurt

Natural yoghurt contains beneficial bacteria present in healthy vagina. It can be used in two ways to treat bacteria vaginosis. You can either consume 2-3 cups orally everyday or you can apply it directly to your vagina. For applying it on the vagina, soak a tampon in natural yoghurt and insert directly inside the vagina.

2). Apple Cider Vinegar

To use apple cider vinegar in treating your bacterial vaginosis, pour one or two cups in warm bath water and soak yourself in the water for about fifteen minutes. You can also pat a mixture of apple cider vinegar on to the vagina and rinse with water.

3). Garlic

Garlic can also be used to treat your bacterial vaginosis in two ways, either for oral consumption or direct vagina application. Eat a piece of garlic or take garlic capsules which are readily available in most health food stores. For direct vaginal application, peel a garlic glove or pound a piece of garlic, wrap it in gauze and insert it directly into the vagina.

The above mentioned products are three amazing natural cures for treating bacterial vaginosis. But if you are a chronic sufferer and looking for a Bacterial Vaginosis Remedy which includes step by step procedures to permanently cure your embarrassing vaginal discharge and odor within few days, then visit Bacterial Vaginosis Remedy

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Bacterial Vaginosis Diet - Foods To Eat and To Avoid With Bacterial Vaginosis

Bacterial vaginosis is a condition in which the natural environment of the vagina is disturbed as a result of overgrowth of harmful bacteria that dwells in the vagina. The harmful bacteria multiply rapidly due to various reasons, notably poor hygiene and unhealthy eating habits. When these harmful bacteria multiply and outnumbers the good or beneficial bacteria that also dwell in the vagina, then this imbalance triggers the infection.

Some of the symptoms of this disease include greyish white vaginal discharge which is more obvious after sexual intercourse, foul fishy vagina odor, vaginal itching and difficult or painful urination. The main cause of this infection is still unknown, but certain factors may increase the risk of this condition, and these include; excessive vaginal douching, having multiple sexual partners, engaging in unprotected sex, use of inter-uterine devices for birth control as well as using vaginal sprays.

Antibiotics are usually prescribed for the treatment of bacterial vaginosis. Conventional treatments using antibiotics can only provide a temporary relief as there are always the possibilities that the disease can happen again. This might prompt you to take more doses of antibiotics which are harmful to the body as this is likely to cause side effects.

If you are diagnosed with bacterial vaginosis or have any of its symptoms, the most important step towards your treatment is to modify your diet. There are certain foods that can help you to control the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis.

The followings are some foods to eat and avoid in preventing and controlling your bacterial vaginosis infection:

Foods To Eat

You should eat a diet that is high in fibres. Fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains contain high fibre contents, so eat them regularly. You should also include nutritional supplements such as vitamin C in your regular diet in order to boost your immune system.

Drink plenty of water everyday. Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water everyday. This is necessary in order for you to be hydrated at all times. Drinking lots of water will flush out all the unnecessary fluids in the body and also help in the digestion of extra sugar in the system. This will eliminate a major source of food for bad bacteria in the vagina. In addition, try to drink lots of cranberry juice. It contains high level of acid which suppresses the growth of harmful bacteria in the vagina.

Foods To Avoid

Eating some foods may increase the risk of contacting the disease or aggravate the symptoms of an existing infection. Stop eating food with high glucose-sugar contents, such as white bread. This type of food is a source of nutrients for bad bacteria in the vagina. Therefore, you should avoid them in your diet. Instead, opt for whole wheat bread which contains less glucose and sugar contents.

Avoid salt or reduce excessive intake of salt in your diet. Too much salt in the body can cause water retention and can also increase the risk of urinary tract infection.

To get rid of your smelly vagina and embarrassing vaginal discharge, the above mentioned foods are very important. But they can be incorporated with major dietary plans to give you the desired result within a very short time. To learn more about this comprehensive dietary plan, you should visit Bacterial Vaginosis Remedy or you can check Bacterial Vaginosis Remedy for more information.

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Untreated Bacterial Vaginosis - Get Treatment Now Before It Is Too Late

Bacterial vaginosis is an infection of the vagina area which occurs when the natural pH balance is disturbed as a result of overgrowth of bad bacteria present in the vagina. A normal healthy vagina contains both good and bad bacteria which co-exist to maintain a natural vagina pH balance. But when the bad bacteria outnumbers the good ones due to various reasons, notably poor hygiene, unhealthy eating habits and stress, this can upset the natural vagina pH balance and subsequently cause bacterial vaginosis to occur.

In many women, the exact cause of this disease is unknown. However, certain risk factors may increase the possibility of contacting this disease, and these include excessive vaginal douching to remove vagina odor, constant washing with scented soap, having multiple sexual partners, engaging in unprotected sex and using vagina spray.

Symptoms of this condition vary in every woman depending on the type of risk factors, but the common symptoms include excessive vaginal discharge accompanied by foul fish odor, vaginal itching, burning, swollen vagina and painful urination.

If you are diagnosed or at risk of developing this disease, you need to consult your doctor for treatments. Treatment varies from one individual to another depending on the severity of the disease. But in general, antibiotics are usually prescribed by doctors for treating this infection. Conventional treatments using antibiotics can cure this infection in some women while others may experience side effects. Generally, antibiotics can only provide temporary relief, and in most cases the disease always reappears. Therefore, it is very important to seek for appropriate treatment in order to avoid complications, because if not properly treated or left untreated it can develop into more serious health problems.

The followings are the likely dangers of untreated bacterial vaginosis;

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

Untreated bacterial vaginosis can cause pelvic inflammatory disease. This can give rise to chronic pelvic pain as well as inability in getting pregnant. In severe cases, this can lead to infertility.

Urinary Tract Infection

If left untreated, it is a common risk factor for urinary tract infection. This can cause a woman to contract and transmit sexually transmitted diseases.

Infertility and Pregnancy Complications

Untreated bacterial vaginosis can lead to complications in pregnancies. This is because it can affect the reproductive system and interfere with ovulation, which can result in abnormal menstrual cycle, thereby leading to infertility.

Miscarriage or Premature Birth

Women with untreated bacterial vaginosis during pregnancy are more likely to experience miscarriage or premature birth compare to healthy women without this disease.

To avoid the hidden dangers of untreated bacterial vaginosis, you should seek for proper treatments as soon as you are diagnosed. You can start your treatments by making use of natural Bacterial Vaginosis Remedy. To learn more about various natural remedies which can help you to cure this condition permanently, visit Best Bacterial Vaginosis Remedy

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Bacterial Vaginosis Remedy - 6 Proven Home Remedies For Treating Bacterial Vaginosis

Bacteria vaginosis occurs when the normal vagina ph balance is disturbed as a result of overgrowth of bad bacteria that dwell in the vagina. A normal healthy vagina contains both good and bad bacteria in equal proportion. But when the bad bacteria outnumbers the good bacteria possibly due to poor hygiene and unhealthy eating habits, then this imbalance triggers the infection to occur.

The main cause of this imbalance still remains unknown, but certain factors or actions may increase the possibly of contacting the disease. These factors include, excessive vagina douching, engaging in unprotected sex, having multiple sexual partners, wearing thongs, using vagina sprays and use of inter-uterine device as contraceptives.

This infection may not necessarily produce any symptoms in most women, but the common symptoms include excessive greyish-white vagina discharge, unpleasant fishy odor, vagina itching, swollen vagina and in rare cases, difficult or painful urination.

For treating this infection, the use of bacterial vaginosis home remedies has attracted a lot of attention. This is because home remedy methods are very effective, easy to use, the materials are readily available in most herbal and drug stores and they do not cause any side effects as oppose to conventional treatments of using antibiotics.

The following home remedies are effective and can help you to get rid of bacterial vaginosis and the associated symptoms

1). Natural Yoghurt

Natural yoghurt contains the same good bacteria that are present in a normal healthy vagina. For treating this infection, natural yoghurt can either be consumed orally or apply directly to the vagina. You can take 2-3 cups of natural yoghurt daily. What it does is to supplement your system with the good bacteria and this will help you to get rid of this disease. For direct application to the vagina, you can soak a tampon in natural yoghurt and insert it directly into the vagina.

2). Garlic

Garlic is another proven home remedy for treating bacterial vaginosis. It can also be consumed orally or for direct vagina application. You can buy garlic capsules in herbal stores and take them as appropriate. To apply it to your vagina, peel a garlic glove and wrap it in gauze. Then insert it into your vagina for about thirty minutes.

3). Cranberry Juice

Cranberry juice contains strong acid that can suppress the growth of bad bacteria. Drink fresh cranberry juice daily and this will help to eliminate the infection.

4). Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil has anti fungal properties which are very effective for keeping the vagina healthy. Pour a few drop of tea tree oil into a cup of warm water and mix them together. Then use the mixture to wash your vagina. This will help you to get rid of the vagina discharge odor.

5). Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is another proven home remedy for treating bacterial vaginosis. Pour one or two cups in lukewarm water and soak yourself in the water for about fifteen to twenty minutes. This will remove bacteria toxins that are present in the vagina. You can also pat a mixture of apple cider vinegar on to the vagina and rinse with water.

6). Sage Aerial Extract

Put small pieces of sage in a cup of water and boil the mixture for about fifteen minutes. Drink this water three times in a day. This will help to reduce the irritation, burning and vaginal discharge. Sage extract is a very effective remedy and does not have any side effect.

The above mentioned home remedies are very effective and can help you to eliminate your bacterial vaginosis. To learn more about other tips to cure this disease permanently within a few days, visit Bacterial Vaginosis Remedy

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Can Men Acquire Bacterial Vaginosis? What You Need To Know

Bacterial vaginosis is a condition which affects many women as a result of overgrowth of bad bacterial that lives in the vagina region. A normal healthy vagina contains two types of bacteria; good and bad bacteria which co-exist to maintain a natural vagina pH balance. Bacterial vaginosis normally occurs when the bad bacteria rapidly multiply and destroy the good bacteria, thereby upsetting the natural vagina pH balance.

The exact cause of this imbalance is still unknown, but some of the risk factors through which a woman can contact this disease is by having multiple sexual partners and by engaging in unprotected sex, especially with a new partner.

If this is so, then is the disease contagious? And also can a man acquire this infection?

According to medical experts, bacterial vaginosis has not been confirmed to be a sexually transmitted disease. Therefore, it cannot be contacted through sexual activities between a female and a male partner. However, if you are suffering from this infection, it is very important that you and your partner protect each other during sex by using a condom. On the other hand, the disease can only be contagious if there is a sexual relationship between two women.

Since bacterial vaginosis is an infection of the vagina, the bacteria responsible for this infection cannot survive in the male sexual organ, therefore it is highly unlikely for a man to acquire this disease. The only condition is that if you are already infected with this disease and then engage in unprotected sexual intercourse with your male partner, the bacterial that are responsible for this condition can enter into your partner's sexual organ and remain dormant for a long time. Since they cannot thrive in a male's sexual organ, they can then be passed onto you again if you have unprotected sexual intercourse with him. Perhaps, this could be one of the reasons why most women continue to have recurrent bacteria vaginosis.

Therefore, in order to have peace of mind and avoid the issue of whether your partner can be infected, it is essential that your male partner use a condom whenever you are having sexual intercourse until you get rid of your this infection.

Many women are often embarrassed to discuss this issue with their partner, but it is advisable to let your partner know about your condition and always insist that he wears a condom in order to clear your mind and rule out the possibility of you being re-infected.

To get rid of your bacterial vaginosis, there is a natural Bacterial Vaginosis Remedy which can help you to cure this infection permanently within 3 days. To learn more about this, visit Bacterial Vaginosis Treatment

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Bacterial Vaginosis Discharge - Simple Healthy Tips To Get Rid of Smelly Vagina Odor

Bacterial vaginosis discharge is a major problem affecting many women, and is one of the common symptoms of bacterial vaginosis. Bacterial vaginosis is an infection which affects the vagina area when its natural environment is disturbed due to the overgrowth of bad bacteria that dwells in the vagina. A normal healthy vagina contains both good and bad bacteria. The good bacteria protect the vagina and the entire reproductive system against any infection. But when the bad bacteria multiply rapidly due to various reasons, notably poor hygiene and unhealthy eating habits, they then outnumber and destroy the good bacteria, and this triggers the infection to occur.

The main cause of this imbalance between the good and bad bacteria still remains unknown, but certain factors may increase the risk of developing this infection, and these include; smoking, excessive vagina douching, having multiple sexual partners, engaging in unprotected sex, wearing thong, using vaginal spray and use of inter-uterine devices for birth control.

Bacterial vaginosis discharge is usually greyish white accompanied by a strong offensive odor. This can cause depression, embarrassment and humiliation, thereby affecting your personal, social and professional lifestyle. But you do not have to be depressed as a result of this condition because it can be effectively controlled and eliminated.

The following tips can help you to get rid of the discharge and the unpleasant fishy odor.

Personal Hygiene

Wash your vagina daily with warm water and unscented soap. Avoid using scented soap or body wash. Also, stop excessive douching to eliminate vagina odor. This approach can disturb the normal vagina pH thereby making you susceptible to vagina infection. Instead, you can use feminine wipes which are readily available in most retail stores. Also, do not wipe your private part from back to front after bowel movement. This can cause the bacteria in the faeces to enter your vagina. Instead, wipe your private part from front to back. In addition, always trim or shave your pubic hair, as they tend to harbour germs and smell if they are too bushy.

Healthy Diet

You should always eat healthy diet. Fruits and vegetables are high in fibers as well as vitamins and minerals, so eat them regularly. Similarly, fruits such as apples and cranberry contain antioxidants which can help to eliminate vagina odor. You must also avoid consumption of food with high glucose-sugar contents, as they are sources of nutrients for bad bacteria in the vagina. Try to avoid or reduce intake of alcohol and cigarette. Ensure that you drink plenty of water. Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water everyday. Water will flush out toxins from your body and also help in the digestion of extra sugar in the system.

Wear Clean and Loose Fitting Clothes

Always wear undergarments that are clean and loose. Avoid wearing tight garments and fabrics made of synthetic. This may block the flow of air to the vagina area thereby making your vagina damp and moist. Instead wear loose cotton underwear and pants to facilitate air movement. You must also remember to change your underwear everyday.

Protected Sex

Ensure that your partner uses condom whenever you engage in sexual intercourse. This is very important especially with a new partner. This will prevent you from contacting vaginal infection.

To get rid of your bacterial vaginal discharge, the above mentioned tips are vital. But if you are feeling depressed and embarrassed about your vaginal odor, you can combine those tips with a Bacterial Vaginosis Remedy to give you the desired result within few days. For more information, visit Bacterial Vaginosis Treatment

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